Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

Start by giving us a call at (469) 503-3267 or emailing us at to get more information on how and where to get started. You can also set up a free consultation with us using this form.

What happens after I set up a consultation?

We will contact you to set up and time to talk with you about you and your loved one’s specific situation. We will then begin to evaluate what options to consider and narrow down the best one. Then we will schedule tours and begin talking about placement.

What if I don’t know which option is best?

We are happy to go over what each living option offers and talk with you about why each option will or will not work for you.

When is the best time to consider these options?

If you’ve started to feel overwhelmed with caring for your loved one and are feeling like you have more questions than answers, it may be time to consider an assisted living option. 

If a current patient’s health has changed and their current care situation is no longer sufficient, that is an indicator that a new option needs to be considered.

What if I can’t afford it?

We work with everyone regardless of their income to find a safe place for their loved ones. Give us a call and we will do everything we can to meet you where you are.